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I’m running to be the next CCSC Student Services representative so that I can improve students’ lives by strengthening mental health support, combating food insecurity, and reducing club exclusivity. If elected, I’ll work tirelessly to address these issues and help make sure that no student is at a disadvantage in their pursuit of a rich undergraduate experience.



STRENGTHEN MENTAL HEALTH SUPPORT: One of the biggest challenges with Counseling and Psychological Services is a lack of accessibility. Some students have a hard time conveying their needs over the phone, and would prefer a more intimate triage option. I’ll work to increase opportunities for drop-in appointments so that CPS can evaluate students in-person. I also hope to make the over-the-phone process more comfortable for students by opening spaces on campus for them to make private calls.


COMBAT FOOD INSECURITY: I want to continue ongoing efforts to address food insecurity. I plan to increase advertising for Share Meals, an underutilized program that allows students to give meal swipes to others in need. If elected, I’ll also use social media and Columbia’s Dining App to help students advertise leftover food from campus events-- and from dining halls at the end of the day.


REDUCE CLUB EXCLUSIVITY: We need to acknowledge the role that club hyper-selectivity plays in mental health issues on campus. Boundless application processes and low acceptance rates create a culture of toxic exclusion. I’ll work to reduce selectivity by asking clubs to be more transparent about how many spots they have open and what exactly they’re looking for. I’ll also work to establish regulations about how many rounds of interviewing clubs can have, and how extensive their applications can be.



I can’t wait to improve the lives of my fellow students, and I hope I’ll get an opportunity to pursue these goals!

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